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Apr, 2024

minduck 1.2

User Intelligent Recommendation System

User Intelligent Recommendation System
User Intelligent Recommendation System
User Intelligent Recommendation System

What We’ve Achieved…

  • We collected market feedback and user voices over the past month and started further research, design, and implementation of an intelligent recommendation system for Minduck’s Creation platform!

  • Through practical experience, we realized that in the Chinese market, users generally have a very low willingness to pay for software, especially for tools-based applications.

More Details…

  1. After analyzing a month of product feedback, we discovered that most non-professional AI users have no understanding of creative types, creative expert Agents, or AI model selection. For the majority of users who are not interested in AI technology, these requirements are perceived as specialized knowledge.

  2. To make Minduck a platform that all general users love and find easy to use, we must lower the learning curve. We established a key distinction between AI applications and traditional SaaS applications: in the past, software systems required users to adapt, with user-friendly design aimed at easing this adaptation process. However, in the AI era, systems should adapt to users. The goal of experience design is to create new pathways where the system actively adjusts to user behavior rather than guiding or instructing them.

  3. Intelligent Recommendation System Experiment: After integrating the intelligent recommendation system, we observed a significant improvement in both product usage rates and user satisfaction.

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Start use AI with your mind. Get ready to explore the power of Minduck's AI-driven creativity.

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