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Great Minds
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Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
Our team is developing an AI application that stands apart from traditional chat-based systems.
Kyle, Xie
Founder at Minduck
Make it possible for everyone to use AI with human mind.
Tim, Liao
Co-Fonder at Minduck
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We’re always open to new friends! If you value innovation, believe in the synergy between humans and AI, and see imagination as key, let’s create together. Join us in building a community that puts humanity first while exploring the future of technology.
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